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using in Everquest 2

How do I give one of my Custom Triggers to another member in my group?


  • Right-click the trigger...

    Paste your clipboard contents into a chat channel with Ctrl-V.  Anyone that sees the message should see a pop-up notification in the corner of their screen asking to add the trigger to ACT.
  • Thanks but how do I paste into chat window
  • try pushing ctrl-v does not put in chat window
  • Type /g  to start a chat message and then paste?
  • thanks working now
  • edited March 2022
    See on file  on the class, fun,  general boxes. How do I make more of then and add to page.

  • Why a word doc of a picture?

    Anyways, those are categories.  Changing the trigger's category will change its arrangement on that page.
  • I want to add new categories for new triggers
  • Just create a trigger with a category that isn't listed already.
  • that's what I want to know how to do. Create a category and add a trigger from another computer.
  • You don't create a category.  A category is created the first time you use it.

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