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Hey! First time here and first time user as of... well not 4 hours ago, so forgive me if this isn't the place for this kind of comment/question.

Playing AST in FFXIV, I noticed that Celestial Intersection wasn't affecting the D.Shield field even though the buff "Diurnal Intersection" is a shield. I swapped to Nocturnal Sect and found that shields do, in fact, display correctly when recognized as a shield (Aspected Benefic -> Nocturnal Field). However, it showed Celestial Intersection's heal as normal, but Diurnal Intersection's buff as a heal for the same amount as Celestial Intersection, but categorized as a DamageShield instead. The actual HoT provided by Diurnal Intersection was marked as "Unknown Hot Tick".

Conversely, when in Diurnal Sect, Celestial Intersection's initial heal gets logged correctly, but there is no mention of Nocturnal Intersection at all. 

Not sure if this is something I can resolve on my end anywhere, or if it needs to be thrown up the chain somewhere to make sure these are corrected to be accurate.

Let me know if you need anything.

-- Zeke Nightblade, Coeurl



  • I'm afraid you're speaking Greek to me.  The only direction I can point you in is the parsing plugin's Discord Server.  Not only will they know what you're talking about, but the plugin's author can eventually fix the problem if there is a problem to be fixed.

  • Thanks, it seems that is exactly what was needed :)

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