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TriggerTree plugin adds another interface for managing Custom Triggers

This plugin organizes Custom Triggers into a panel of categories and a panel of triggers in the selected category. This is simply a different view of exactly the same triggers that are listed in the Custom Triggers tab.

Below is a screenshot of the panels and the context menu for a trigger.

Editing a trigger is accomplished via a dialog. The dialog with the Show Encounters expansion and the context menu for a log line is shown below.

Features that are similar to the Custom Triggers tab:

  • Green is used to show active triggers. A green category indicates that the category contains active triggers.
  • The checkbox next to the regular expression in the trigger pane enables / disables the trigger.
  • Right-click context menus are available in the category and trigger panes.

Additional features of the plugin:

  • When entering a zone in game, if there is a Category that matches the zone name, that Category is automatically selected.
  • The 'Find' boxes at the top of the Category and Trigger panes provide incremental searches.
  • If the trigger has a Spell Timer, a search for the spell timer can be initiated via double-clicking or right-clicking the 'Trigger Timer' line in the trigger pane, or pressing the magnifying glass button next to the 'Trigger Timer' checkbox in the edit dialog.
  • If the trigger has a spell timer, the spell timer can be copied for sharing by right-clicking the 'Timer or Tab name' in the trigger pane and choosing the appropriate menu choice.

New Features of the trigger edit dialog:

  • If the Regular Expression or Category / Zone fields are changed, the dialog allows either replacing the original trigger or creating a new trigger.
  • The paste clipboard button will recognize a log line copied from ACT's View Logs list and reformat the line to be a valid Regular Expression.
  • While typing in the Regular Expression box, the text turns red if the expression is invalid.
  • Selecting text in the Regular Expression and right-clicking provides a context menu that can replace the selection with a capture group.
  • Capture groups in the Regular Expression are automatically added to the drop down list next to the TTS button. They may be inserted into the TTS expression via the insert button to the right of the drop down.
  • As shown above, when the Show Encounters checkbox is checked, the dialog expands to show a list of encounters. Selecting an encounter displays a list of log lines for that encounter.
  • To help find a potential trigger line, the log lines can be filtered by entering text in the Filter: box.  Shown above is a filter of '#', which shows lines with color.
  • The context menu for a log line allows reformatting and pasting it into the Regular Expression or testing it against the Regular Expression. Any capture groups are appropriately replaced in a TTS expression when testing.

Sharing with an EQII Macro:

Ideally, it would be possible to make a macro containing all of the zone's triggers and spell timers for sharing with the group (or raid) in a single step. Unfortunately EQII macros won't handle some characters and character sequences that are required to make this work.

The trigger pane shows which triggers and spell timers can be shared via macro by displaying the 'macro play' icon next to the checkbox for the regular expression and timer name. In the screenshot above, all of the triggers and the spell timer can go in a macro except the 'A runic pitfall is summoned' trigger.  The problem with the trigger is the apostrophe in the TTS expression.

In many cases, it is possible to work around the problem characters by changing the trigger. In the above case simply change the TTS expression to 'do not move'. With that change, a right click on the Category and selection of the 'Raidsay Share Macro' menu would create a macro to share all four triggers and the spell timer. Then in an EQII chat window enter /do_file_commands triggers.txt to share everything with the raid. If the apostrophe is left as is, the macro would contain the other three triggers and the spell timer.

Macro issues are explained in more detail in the help for the plugin. Choose 'Help' from the trigger context menu.



  • Version 1.1.0 Update

    To simplify finding and sharing spell timers, the Category context menu now has a Category Spell Timers choice as shown below:

    The plugin searches for spell timers whose Category or Custom Tooltip matches the clicked category name. Matching timers are added to the menu. 

    The Custom Tooltip field is used for this purpose to minimize changes to (old) spell timers. For example, when a spell timer is created using ACT's Calculate Spell Timer menu, the only new step required to support the TriggerTree menu is to add the category name to the Custom Tooltip field. (If the category has triggers, the category name can be copy / pasted using the Copy category name to clipboard context menu shown above.)

    To facilitate sharing the timers in an EQII macro, the category name in the Custom Tooltip field also matches if apostrophe(s) in the clicked category are replaced with period(s), like in the screenshot above.

    Clicking on a spell timer name opens the Spell Timers (Options) window with search results for that timer name. (The spell timers window is partially shown behind the TriggerTree window in the screenshot above.)

    The "macro play" icon is shown next to the timer name if the spell timer can be saved to an EQII macro.

    Choosing either of the Share Macro menus (if available) writes the macro-able timers to a triggers.txt flie.  Enter /do_file_commands triggers.txt in an EQII chat window to share the timers.

  • Version 1.2.0 Update.

    The update notes can be found on github at
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