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ACT trigger for the following

edited September 2020 in General ACT Discussion

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 1st fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 2nd fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 3rd fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 4th fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 5th fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 6th fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 7th fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 8th fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 9th fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

\#58FAACQaaron snuffs out the 10th fire pit, and in seconds the connecting bridge will also be extinguished!

Looking to make an expression for this to basically tell in ACT trigger.. Bridge 1, Bridge 2, Bridge 3. etc..


I've made a trigger for each one... easy day, but would like to figure out one expression to call out each bridge so to share with raid.



  • <Trigger R="snuffs out the (\d+).. fire pit, and in seconds" SD="Bridge $1" ST="3" CR="F" C=" General" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />


    In the demo, .+?/.+ are required to clean up the substitution.  It's not necessary for ACT and will actually slow parsing down.

  • Thanks for the help! 

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