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Duplicate Spells need to be deleted EQ2

I am using this on EQ2 and every time I start up ACT I get a bunch of pop up windows saying there is duplicate spells that can not be paired and need to be deleted.  I can not locate the place to delete the spells, if you could provide some feed back that would be awesome.



  • Can you provide a screenshot?  I have no idea what you're talking about.
  • Let me know if got this.  It says that for all ascension spells
  • Oh, it's for a 3rd party plugin.  Hmm, I'm not entirely sure how that plugin is configured since it's been a few years since I've looked at it.

    Presumably you would configure it in the PluginsAscension Combos.cs tab.
  • Ok I’ll look in there again, I was not aware that those were not made by you guys I’ll let you know if I get it figured out.  

  • This comes from the Combos tab in the AscensionComobs.cs plugin.  You've got multiple entries for the same spell. It should look something like this:

    You apparently have 2 rows each specifying Glacial Freeze in either the Spell1 or Spell2 column. One of them needs to be deleted or fixed (Glacial Freeze combos with Septic Strike).
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