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New text formatting question

I recently installed ACT version and I am using ACT with everquest 2. I have tried everything to get formatting options to show abbreviated parse numbers (k/m/b) in text export formats.   Every text format option I choose for encdps still shows as the same old format when I hit the EQ2 macro.  Would someone please tell me how to set up the new version of ACT to get the text format right.  Thanks


  • Just to make sure... you've downloaded the update to the EQ2 English parsing plugin as well?  It's required since that plugin will overwrite ACT's default set of formatters.

    Other things to be mindful of is to make sure the correct feature is using the new formatter.  Mini-parse, clipboard and macro file are all separate.

    If you have a formatter selected on this screen already, try removing it from the left side and re-adding it.

    Apparently there is a UI bug in ACT where if you remove all formatters from the drop-down on the right/top before removing them from the left side, it may crash ACT when you select it.

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