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Prevent ACT window from stealing focus while/after loading

Is there any way to prevent ACT from stealing focus while opening and after opening? I usually open it alongside FFXIV or sometime after, and opening it before isn't really feasible. Whenever I try to open ACT it constantly interrupts what I'm doing trying to be the main Windows focus, when it should be opening in the background.


  • ACT shouldn't take more than a few seconds to load...  (where it actually says loading)

    This loading screen doubles for diagnostic info and must remain above other ACT windows in-case a crash happens or some other unresponsiveness.  So while the loading text changes, it tries to flip to the top while not remaining the top-most window permanently... as this will sometimes block important information during a crash.

    Again, this window should only be visible for a few seconds.  If you really hate it that much, modify your shortcut to start ACT minimized.  This only will affect the loading screen as the main ACT window only listens to the -minimize flag from commandline.

  • It takes me a bit longer due to some slow plugins (mainly ACT Hojoring), but your solution worked perfectly. The -minimize flag was also actually accepted as part of the shortcut, so the main window after the loading screen also showed up in the background.

    I will try to keep an eye for errors and bring the loading screen to the foreground if I notice ACT not opening.

    Thanks again!
  • edited August 2022
    Well, if you're happy, that's great.  I'm a little surprised that it worked with Hojoring involved since that also has its own loading splashscreen?  Technically, even with the -minimize flag, ACT must create the main window normally to prevent a .NET stack-overflow bug... so Windows should be giving it focus at least once at the end.  (however briefly)

    EDIT: Don't change "Run" to 'Minimized' any more.  Only use -minimize

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