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Are there any skins that allow me to run FFXIV ACT in full screen?

I heard that Kagerou did but I can't get it to work. I can't use borderless windowed it has too many issues and poor performance compared to full screen. I get stuttering and bad fps drops, probably because I'm using 3 monitors or Gsync.


  • Nothing about an overlay will bypass the technical hurdle of having a window visible with an exclusive fullscreen app.  Overlays rendered by OverlayPlugin are just browser windows that happen to be transparent.  Some games actually have an inbuilt browser which could load an overlay from OverlayPlugin.

    But in this case, I believe your only option is the BrowserHost plugin for XL launcher.  This will inject a web browser into the FFXIV game process, similar to Steam or some FPS counter.  Once you have a browser in your game, generate a URL from OverlayPlugin and use it with the game's process.  (you still need OverlayPlugin running WSServer, but without an overlay active)
  • EQAditu said:
    Nothing about an overlay will bypass the technical hurdle of having a window visible with an exclusive fullscreen app.  Overlays rendered by OverlayPlugin are just browser windows that happen to be transparent.  Some games actually have an inbuilt browser which could load an overlay from OverlayPlugin.

    But in this case, I believe your only option is the BrowserHost plugin for XL launcher.  This will inject a web browser into the FFXIV game process, similar to Steam or some FPS counter.  Once you have a browser in your game, generate a URL from OverlayPlugin and use it with the game's process.  (you still need OverlayPlugin running WSServer, but without an overlay active)
    I see, thanks for the informative response!
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