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Remove Enemies from "Main" view in ACT

I've searched the threads, but haven't found anything on this. How can I show only my party information in the "main" tab of ACT. In the plugins>FFXIV Settings, i've set the parse Filter to 'party' but for some reason enemies and Unknown shows up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm assuming its something I'm just over looking. 

Thank you


  • The filters just ignore log lines that don't involve those selected by the filter.  The log lines that are not ignored still contain those you attack and those who attack you, etc.

    The only way to do more than that is the most restrictive setting of Selective Parsing which you must configure with a whitelist manually. 

    ACT itself isn't designed to know more about your party automatically and the parsing plugin doesn't supply the information.

  • edited November 2021
    Great, thank you for the reply, this is for sure a way to do it, i was hoping i was overlooking an option to not show enemy combatants in that main view/graphing area, but doesn't appear to be an option. Not a major problem just more of an OCD thing for me lol. 

    Again, really appreciate the reply and guidance. 

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