Hi all,
I want to do a winter coding project for analysing players actions and finding optimal strategies through AI. I want to know if any high level members of the community (ideally doing pretty consistent combos without dropping in ultimate/extreme content) would be willing to provide what they think is their best log(s), ideally in SQL format just for easy data processing, from various raids, roles, dungeons, pvp battles, etc. If you don't think your log is good enough send it anyway, any data can be useful when it comes to AI

If anyone has any ideas they want to add to the project or has any questions just ask! I plan to release the source code publicly anyway so you can all play around with it and optimise it to your hearts content! (I am in no way a good coder I just like creating

If this post violates any TOS I am very sorry admins

Hope this is received well because it could be a lot of fun