I've been experimenting with the custom triggers lately and just to test some things out, I organized some timers to keep track of cooldowns with a WAV file as a voiceover to let me know that my cooldowns are now ready.
However, during raids/dungeons, the WAV soundover happens twice for each. This does not happen outside of raids/dungeons. My assumption was that it was potentially picking up on others casters buffs, but there was an instance in a dungeon in which I was the only BLM and the Ley Lines trigger happened twice.
This is how I setup the custom triggers along with the timer. Everything is identical, just the name of each ability being the differrence.
If the name of the ability is "Addle", ACT may be picking it up in the log when it hits, and activating the timer. And the trigger also activates the timer. So if the name of the ability is "Addle", change the spell timer name to something that is not an actual ability name. I've used a leading underscore before as something that will not show up in combat to distinguish a triggered timer vs the actual ability. So a timer named "_Addle" that the trigger activates, and remove the timer named "Addle".
Hmm, on second thought, I'm not sure that makes sense either.
Hmm, on second thought, I'm not sure that makes sense either.