Share Http server data over internet
I am sorry to ask this but i am a noob...
I want to share the html-server live tables with my brother but he lives in another city...
So i can localy rech my ip and see on my browser the tables.
Then i tried to open a "device" in my router for my ip to the internet (Port forwarding) .. not sure what to do there but it asks for the ip (chosen from a list, to tell the router what PC i wanna use) then i need to set a port (80 is standard.. would it be wise to use another AND change it also in the webserver?)
Now here is the main thing:
If the above is correct i thought i should be able to reach myself (e.g. with my phone or another lte-device) with the ipv6 that i get when i look into the router or when i use a webservice showing my public ip.
Doesnt really work.
I only get the message that there is nothing there.
This is as far as my knowlegde goes..
Any Ideas Any1??