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Unable to Compile Plugins in Wine [EQ2]

ACT installed without issue, it can pick up and read my logs from EQ2 without problem but without the parser, I can't do anything

The download manager just errors out and when downloading the plugin script and adding it manually my ACT spits out the following error.

Line: 0 - (CS0006) Metadata file `System.Linq.dll' could not be found

Now, were I in windows, I'd be wondering wtf was wrong with my core.dll however, I've long since left windows and I'm stumped and my googlefu is apparently lacking as I've come up with nothing.


  • ACT will try to use CSC to compile the plugin to DLL... but for some reason on wine, when it does this... it doesn't find the references it needs to.  It doesn't call CSC directly as much as use an API which does so... but in WINE it seems to ignore added references.  The other example that I saw had it complaining about System.dll missing.

    But it being a source file is more interesting than required...  you can probably use this precompiled version without issue.

  • The precompiled parser worked just fine, thanks!

    There's probably a way to fix it because my ultimate goal was to get the Dragon's Armory tracker up and running and again it won't compile due to the allegedly missing dll.
  • Maybe this is more complex than I thought.  The System.Linq namespace is not actually a separate assembly, so you will never find a System.Linq.dll file.  System.Linq is found in the System.Core.dll file. (I guess you mentioned that?)

    The part I don't understand is that the parsing plugin does not reference LINQ and does not use the language specific features, that I know about... so I don't know why it is needed to compile.
  • edited September 2022
    Okay, so I've been running this through proton as that's where my EQ2 install was. I did a test in lutris and ACT installed into my prefix no problem, and compiled the EQ2 parser and the ArmoryTracker no issue.

    So it looks like I'm gonna spend the rest of my evening moving my EQ2 install to a lutris-managed wine prefix and conducting further tests.

    Sorry about all this.

    Update: After getting EQ2 up and running through lutris, ACT installed without a hitch under the EQ2 prefix but immediately threw up the same System.linq.dll error when compiling the plugin scripts. The installation I'd used before for testing was my FF14 prefix which worked perfectly. I get to troubleshoot this more in the morning, yippee.

    Further update: I have a jank as fuck idea. Use my FF14 prefix as the prefix my EQ2 lutris points to this is the perfect plan and nothing can possibly go wrong
  • Alright, I'm gonna have to go on the assumption that FF14 makes far heavier use of ACT than ye olden days, that I shouldn't be surprised the jank works

    For the time being. Solution found. I don't agree with it, but it works.
  • Hi Sorry to Resurrect this dead thread, I just had this same problem with TSW plugin and was wondering if you could provide a precompiled parser? 
  • edited April 2023
    Something that I wasn't really thinking about at the time is that WINE usually installs mono instead of the real .NET Framework.  The other poster mentioned that it was possible for things to work if your prefix was setup a certain way... so I wonder if you need to uninstall mono from your prefix and install dotnet48.  While ACT runs with mono, not everything works.
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