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Fatal Error in ACT

Fatal Error - Unhandled Exception
An unhandled exception has occurred.  ACT may close.
Press Ctrl-C to copy this MessageBox.

System.IO.FileLoadException - Não foi possível carregar arquivo ou assembly 'CefSharp.Core.Runtime.dll' ou uma de suas dependências. Erro na operação de paginação. (Exceção de HRESULT: 0x800703E7)
   em CefSharp.Cef.RemoveDisposable(IDisposable item)
   em CefSharp.OffScreen.ChromiumWebBrowser.Finalize()
CefSharp.Cef, CefSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138


  • edited January 2023
    The specific error code and message combination means the file exists but cannot be loaded.

    This could happen from:
    • Hard drive corruption where you have failing hardware.
    • You're oddly storing things on a network drive where it can see the file but there was an interruption.
    • Some sort of security software is blocking its usage.
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