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No combat data in ACT for FFXIV

ACT v3.6.2 Release 279
FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll v2.6.8.1
No other plugins are installed.

ACT launched as admin and I double checked that Windows Defender allowed Advanced Combat Tracker.exe

Debug Messages:
[09:08:06.082] FFXIV_ACT_Plugin Version: (50BCD605C50A749F)
[09:08:06.082] Process ffxiv_dx11 (11420) FINAL FANTASY XIV started on 3/16/2023 9:08:01 AM Found, Verifying.
[09:08:06.082] Found possible FFXIV process 11420 with version file D:\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY XIV Online\game\ffxivgame.ver.
[09:08:06.082] Process ffxiv_dx11 (11420) Verified.
[09:08:06.082] Selected Language ID: English, Disable Damage Shield: False, Disable Combine Pets: False, Parse Filter: Self, DoTCrits: False, RealDoTs: False
[09:08:06.082] Selected Process ID: 0, Dump All Network Data: False, Disable Combat Log: False, Selected IP: , WinPcap: False, Socket Filter: True
[09:08:06.867] Process ffxiv_dx11 (11420) FINAL FANTASY XIV started on 3/16/2023 9:08:01 AM Found, Verifying.
[09:08:06.867] Found possible FFXIV process 11420 with version file D:\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY XIV Online\game\ffxivgame.ver.
[09:08:06.867] Process ffxiv_dx11 (11420) Verified.
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [ServerTime] at offset [020A9FB0]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [MobArray] at offset [020EFD68]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [ChatLog] at offset [01949338]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [MapID] at offset [02075554]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [Player] at offset [020F9538]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [PartyList] at offset [021119C0]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [ZoneID] at offset [020C4188]
[09:08:06.867] Found VTable for [ChatLog] at address [27C1CDBA828]
[09:08:06.867] OodleNative_Ffxiv: Copied and loaded ffxiv_dx11 executable into ACT memory from path D:\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY XIV Online\game\ffxiv_dx11.exe.
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1TCP_Encode] at offset [01641A20]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1TCP_Decode] at offset [016481C0]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1TCP_Train] at offset [01648210]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1TCP_State_Size] at offset [01648200]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleFree] at offset [02086AD0]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleMalloc] at offset [02086AC8]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1UDP_Encode] at offset [01642030]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1UDP_State_Size] at offset [01648A00]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1UDP_Decode] at offset [01648360]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1UDP_Train] at offset [01648EB0]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1_Shared_SetWindow] at offset [0164A250]
[09:08:06.867] Found Signature [OodleNetwork1_Shared_Size] at offset [0164A380]
[09:08:06.867] Detected Process ID: 11420, Client Mode: FFXIV_64, IsAdmin: True, Game Version: 2023.02.28.0000.0000
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: Removing connection>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: Removing connection>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: Removing connection>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
[09:08:08.799] ProcessTCPInfo: Removing connection>
[09:09:33.897] Status Effect 344 aspected helios landed on 106CC3EB but no ActionEffect found.
[09:09:58.320] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
[09:09:58.320] ProcessTCPInfo: Removing connection>
[09:10:10.308] ProcessTCPInfo: New connection detected for Process [11420]:>
FFXIV Process ID: Automatic
Filter on Local IP: All (Default)
Use WinPCap-compatible library: Off
Disable high-performance network filter: Off
Test Game Connection: Success: All FFXIV memory signatures detected successfully, and Network data is available.

I also check my log text file and it shows the Battle logs.

Checking the Main tab of the window, it says that no data is available to show. No encounters as well.



  • I mentioned that load order matters in another thread, but I'll just paste the patch notes from the plugin author:


    Updates to support FFXIV patch 6.35.

    Please note: FFXIV now uses a stateful algorithm from the network compression library Oodle. This means that the FFXIV Plugin must capture all data for a login session from the beginning. You must start ACT on or before the FFXIV character select screen or it will be unable to capture network data, and you will not see any combat information reported in ACT.

    Unfortunately, if there is any problem decoding the network data, such as packet loss, then the plugin will be unable to continue processing any data until you exit back to the FFXIV character select screen.

    I am still investigating alternative solutions to work around this problem.

  • You are right. Starting ACT before the character select screen shows up has ACT working as expected. Did not think to check their GitHub. Thank you!
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