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ACT is showing only MY highest hit instead of any raid member's highest hit

I am using ACT v 3.0 or 3.1 (the source websites are exceptionally unclear on exact version numbers and the ACT file Properties do not reflect the version number  :s ) in Secret World Legends Steam Edition, along with the TSW plugin and secretparser.cs. Everything seems to be working well except for the actor pool from which ACT is pulling the highest-HP damage hit, the highest-HP heal and the highest-HP tanking hit (incoming damage): ACT is assembling that info only based on my personal stats for the encounter instead of assembling it from the combat stats of everyone participating in the combat. I am not able to find any mention of this issue anywhere, and most ACT sites are years out of date. Can someone please suggest some steps I can take to troubleshoot and/or resolve the issue? As it is now, I can't continue to use /actchat to send the reports to any public chat channel because that "highest" data compilation always credits me even though others did double my dps and more, making it virtually impossible that I could possibly have the highest hits. Also, other players in the same encounter sometimes post ACT reports, and their reports identify believable people that change from fight to fight as the highest-hitters, not just the name of the person running ACT and initiating the report. Thanks in advance for any help.



  • The ACT version number shows the same everywhere...

    I don't know what /actchat is, but I assume it uses ExportVariables from ACT?

    The highest hit has little to do with who did the most DPS.  But I suppose it depends on the game.

    If it's using the encounter-level export variable, it will only pull from allies.

    If you go into the next table deeper, you can see the MaxHit value for Outgoing Damage.

    Going through each of the allied combatants, I see that the 7th place DPS had the highest hit.

    My clipboard export ends up looking like the following:
    (01:30) Sentinel Primatious: 12.28B Amendrera-Ethershadow Assassin-21.10B
    Aditu | 2.49B | Levinbolt-12.75B
    Mazbo | 2.13B | Implosion-6.85B
    Dharq | 1.48B | Unda Arcanus Spiritus-2.44B
    Ofeen | 1.11B | Telluric Rending-5.57B
    Shayt | 1.04B | Fiery Incineration-3.91B
    Tuix | 1.03B | Wildfire-6.90B
    Amend | 885.54M | Ethershadow Assassin-21.10B
    Beetf | 814.13M | Septic Strike-10.14B
    Avek | 687.35M | Cascading Force-2.29B
    Death | 272.92M | Telluric Rending-5.09B
    Solan | 173.06M | Avenging Ancestors-981.80M
    Roxyl | 164.46M | Primal Instincts-1.97B

  • Well, thanks for your response. Sadly, none of it applies to my game or my issue- I have seen nothing like your screenshots, and I have no idea what "the tables" are.

    I have no option to set "the encounter-level export variable" under my ACT options. 

    I have no idea what "clipboard export" is- what you posted vaguely resembles my /actchat output except that yours is better formatted (columns aligned, pipes as separators, etc.) See images below for actual in-game SWL ACT reports reulting from running /actchat and then clicking the link(s) that appear in the chat channel.

    "I don't know what /actchat is, but I assume it uses ExportVariables from ACT?"

    /actchat is the TSW/SWL script command produced by a properly-working ACT installation. When the user invokes it (by entering "/actchat" into whatever chat channel she wishes the report to go to) It creates http links and displays its reports in-game when a user clicks a link (as I said, similar to your "clipboard export") so that everyone can see the results.

    ACT does not work in TSW or SWL "right out of the box" without 1 or 2 additional supporting installations. One or both of these files is by Boorish, available on his github or various websites.

    Finally, someone else posted an ACT report after a couple of recent public raids, and I was astonished to see that my installation of ACT not only shows me as the high-hitter even though I clearly was not, it misreports encounter damage totals based solely on my own personal damage- I have often suspected that the dps and total damage numbers don't seem to correlate, and this morning's conflicting ACT reports proved it. I am facepalming over not noticing that the Raid's total damage was actually just my own personal damage.

    Here is an ACT report posted by player RhythmRogue (it took over 9 minutes, but we 9-manned a major raid boss!!!) that correctly shows different numbers for his own damage and the raid's total damage.

    Here is my ACT report on a subsequent 40-man raid on a similar raid boss as the Stone Talos in RhythmRogue's report above, where you can see that my ACT reports the raid total damage, which should be over 100 million, as just MY personal damage, and also shows me as High Hitter when I was probably not. As info, ACT splits reports with this many actors into separate Damage, Tank and Heal reports. Since I am all about the pew-pew, I just open the damage reports:

    TLDR: I really would appreciate a response from someone who actually plays/played SWL and uses/used ACT successfully in that game. Thanks.

  • My screenshots are all from the base ACT application.  Please review the official screenshots to understand what is a part of ACT by default:

    Screenshots 2-4 are the tables you claim to have never seen before.  Screenshot 2 shows a right-click context menu to export to clipboard, as I described using.  You may alter the clipboard format to whatever you want in the Options tab > Output Display > Text Export Settings.  --  Clicking "Show Mini" in the corner of ACT will show a live-data text window with the same sort of thing but configured separately in "Mini Parse Window".

    The reason I am directing you to ACT's tables is that by design, ACT does not hide how things are calculated or stored.  By looking at ACT's tables, you can understand how/why things are calculated instead of your single page summary where the calculations are opaque.

    Whether /actchat gets its data from ExportVariables or from ACT's internal memory doesn't matter a lot.  I assume they did not reinvent the wheel to do their own calculations.  That's why I point to the tables, which are a representation of ACT's memory as seen by plugins.

    If your /actchat command does not agree with ACT's memory tables, then that's where the problem lies.  If it does agree, then there is something wrong with how the data is parsed by the plugin or manipulated in the event handlers.  (some other plugin or ACT's Data Correction options)

    I can't do anything about your custom view reporting things wrong.  I can only offer advice on the base part of ACT, which I am trying very hard to direct you into reviewing. 

    It's not perfect, but I can make an approximation of your screenshots using the following text export format:

    (I suspect that %p, %g and %e are TSW specific stats or I couldn't guess their meaning)

    If for some reason you want to test against this export, copy the following into your clipboard, then click the "Import XML" button on the top-right corner of ACT...  (it has a clipboard icon)

    <Config Xml="&lt;Config&gt;&lt;TextFormats&gt;&lt;Format PlayerFormat=&quot;{n}{name} - {damage-*} ({dps} dps in {duration}) - 0%p - {crithit%}c - 0%g - 0%e&quot; AlliesFormat=&quot;{title}{n}total: {damage} dmg, {dps} dps in {duration}&quot; Sorting=&quot;Damage&quot; ShowOnlyAllies=&quot;True&quot; ShowAlliesInfo=&quot;True&quot; /&gt;&lt;/TextFormats&gt;&lt;SettingsSerializer&gt;&lt;ComboBox Name=&quot;ddlClipFormat&quot; Value=&quot;(Damage) &amp;quot;{n}{name} - {damage-*} ({dps} dps in {duration}) - 0%p - {crithit%}c - 0%g - 0%e&amp;quot;&quot; /&gt;&lt;/SettingsSerializer&gt;&lt;/Config&gt;" />

    After that you can right-click any encounter in the treeview and export it to the clipboard for review/comparison.  If the clipboard export doesn't exhibit the same problem, then I can't help much.  The calculation is outside of what I made.

    As a side note, I don't think you're going to find any TSW specific players here.  You're better off trying that GitHub you mentioned?
  • "(I suspect that %p, %g and %e are TSW specific stats or I couldn't guess their meaning)"

    You're right- they are TSW/SWL-specific and mean %penetrated, %glanced and %evaded, respectively.

    Secondly, this response is very helpful. I will dive into the tables as you suggest and see what's what. Thank you.

    "I don't think you're going to find any TSW specific players here."
    Google brought me here- yes, I saw your handle but the domain name is and has a fair amount of non-EQ2 content from what I could gather in a cursory perusal of forum post titles. So it didn't seem that this was an exclusively EQ2-centric site despite your name since part of the instructions on how to ask for help include an admonition to state which game we're using ACT with.

    But why quibble over success? I think you've given me what I need to narrow the issue down to ACT or secretparser.cs. So thanks again for that. I'll let you know what I find out. <3
  • edited July 2023
    "It's not perfect, but I can make an approximation of your screenshots using the following text export format:"
    Which one of my screenshots? One is accurate, posted as an exemplar of what I'm trying to achieve; the other is grossly inaccurate, posted as a manifestation (symptom) of whatever is wrong. I don't know what to do with the formatting info you so graciously provided- emulate it or check to make sure I'm not using those options... :confused:

    I just found your Export_all.cs plugin- is that a parser, same as my SecretParser.cs, such that the two cs files would be in conflict? The download page doesn't discuss this issue- I couldn't even find a ReadMe.

    Well, I went to the Output Display >> Text Export Settings area and got the screen that is UNDER/BEHIND the screen in your image- I can't get the blue-bordered popup titled "Text Export Formatting" at all, so I must be doing something wrong- I can't check output formatting if I can't access the screen where those options live.
  • In these forums, mostly I am the only person that replies to threads.  I used to play EQ2, I help a lot on the FFXIV Discord, but I don't know much about TSW.

    The approximation I attempted was the format of the output.  I tried to make an export format that in an ideal world was close to what you should be seeing.  I didn't have the TSW plugin loaded, so I didn't have ExportVariables for the ones you clarified on.

    Parsing plugins have their own section because you shouldn't use two at once, they will conflict.  That one you mentioned should be general purpose but I don't think it's useful here.

    You get the new window by clicking the "Add Preset" button near the top.  It's a preset creator that's shared between clipboard exports and the mini-parse window.

      <Config Xml="&lt;Config&gt;&lt;SettingsSerializer&gt;&lt;ComboBox Name=&quot;ddlClipFormat&quot; Value=&quot;(Damage) &amp;quot;{n}{name} - {damage-*} ({dps} dps in {duration}) - {Penetration%}p - {crithit%}c - {Glance%}g - {Blocked%}e&amp;quot;&quot; /&gt;&lt;/SettingsSerializer&gt;&lt;TextFormats&gt;&lt;Format PlayerFormat=&quot;{n}{name} - {damage-*} ({dps} dps in {duration}) - {Penetration%}p - {crithit%}c - {Glance%}g - {Blocked%}e&quot; AlliesFormat=&quot;{title}{n}total: {damage} dmg, {dps} dps in {duration}&quot; Sorting=&quot;Damage&quot; ShowOnlyAllies=&quot;True&quot; ShowAlliesInfo=&quot;True&quot; /&gt;&lt;/TextFormats&gt;&lt;/Config&gt;" />  

    Regardless, it would be easier if you just imported the preset that I created for you.  I installed the TSW plugin and added the missing % variables to it.  Copy the above text to your clipboard and click the import button in the corner of ACT.

  • edited July 2023

    Firstly, thanks for trying to help. I realize that my issues are not with ACT itself but instead with TSWACT and/or SecretParser.cs.

    I copied your text (placing it in my Windows clipboard) and then went to the ACT Options window. I clicked the "Import XML" button many times but got no indication that it did anything at all- no blue-bordered window as shown in your screenshot, nothing filled in any of the boxes in the ACT display. I did, however, get the blue bordered window (mine is pink-bordered, but that's my Windows color scheme) but not after pressing "Import XML" - I got it after clicking "Add Preset." However, clicking the new "Add Text Format Preset" button did not change anything, and I was not able to directly paste the text string you provided into any of the edit boxes.

    All of the formatting options seem to be enabling ACT output to my clipboard. I do not want ACT output going to my clipboard, I want it to go into game chat as is the norm with TSW and other games I have used it on (WoW, SWTOR). Only in that way can I share it with the people involved in the encounter. Output to my clipboard is utterly useless.

    I have done a bit of poking around and discovered that the encounter damage information is visible, and accurate, when I use the /act command, which pops up a display (but nothing in chat) showing everything I want to see links to in the ACT chat output I get when I use /actchat. The SecretParser "separate reports" option breaks ACT's output up into 3 separate reports - damage, healing & tanking - when the number of actors in the encounter is too high to get all 3 reports comfortably into a single HTML document. I think I have discovered (more trial/error needed) that when /actchat results in a single report (5-man dungeon, 10-man raid, 13-man Regional Boss, etc.) it is accurate. It's only when the 3 separate reports are generated that ACT loses its mind and shrinks the "highest hit/heal/tank" universe from everyone in the encounter to just me, resulting in the erroneous reporting of me having the highest hit, highest heal and highest incoming damage.

    Also, if I tab out of the game and force ACT to use the "ALL" version of it's tables instead of whichever other named-for-the-boss version it uses, I get an accurate report!! OMG!! However, all the encounter header labeling is changed from (e.g.) "Kenememti The Fear-Eater" to "All," which is much less useful, especially when there are multiple encounters going on (by other groups also posting ACT reports into the same global chat channels). This causes ambiguity when one ACT report link and header say "Bunica Padurii DMG 1,348,982 Avg DPS 28,618" and another says "All DMG 46,819,350 Avg DPS 14,160." Also, there is not enough time between combats in many cases for me to tab out, manually export the "All" version of the encounter to the /actchat script, then tab back into the game. I have actually been locked out of an instance for one round due to trying to do this. I have not yet found a way to force ACT to use the "All" encounter data while still using the Boss Name in the report links and headers.

    So it is clear that you are correct, ACT is correctly parsing and assembling the combat information, but secretparser.cs (or maybe even TSWACT) is mangling it on the way to game chat.

    I understand that you do not support TSWACT or SecretParser.cs. I will keep trying to find out how others who post accurate and informatively-named ACT links and reports into game chat are doing it. So far, my DMs to them have resulted in zero response.

    Thanks again for your help, and sorry for posting here in the first place. I won't trouble you any more.
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