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How do I change the color of red damage numbers? FFXIV_ACT_Plugin

I've gone through all the menu and graph color settings and nothing seems to be tied to the damage numbers in the center


  • If you mean the table in the main tab...  the cell colors are defined by column definitions which may have ACT defaults, but parsing plugins may completely replace all of them or add new ones.  The colors are dynamically requested by code and does not assume that the same color will be given each time.  That said, most parsing plugins do give the same color each time.  Each plugin would have to give config options to change that color it tells ACT to use for each column/cell.
  • Thank you for the response. Yes in the Main tab the giant excel spreadsheet that has Name, StartTime , Duration, Damage, Damage%, etc. It changed the text colors for some of the columns on the outer edges, but some of the columns in the center like Damage% and a few others do not change from the dark red and dark blue color. I have attempted to create a "dark mode" to prevent my second monitor from blinding me, but encountered an issue where due to the dark grey I have chosen for this "dark mode", the dark red and dark blue colors are hard to see and I am unable to change them. I have also gone through the Graphing color settings and changed all of those and the 28 Graph Fill colors. If I choose a lighter gray to make the dark red numbers more visible it will make my screen still kind of bright. But this may be my only option at this point.

    From what I can gather with my small 8 GB of RAM brain, what you are saying is that the ACT software does not hard lock colors and this may be a small a oversight on the plugin side with how they wrote the plugin code to interface with ACT?
  • edited August 2023
    The next version of ACT has the ability to invert main table luminance since this is a more difficult issue.  (it's difficult to give color controls for an unknown number of columns that ACT does not fully define, but plugins may)

    As it mentions, it adjusts the colors you were unable to change in your original description.
  • edited January 2024
    I also wanted to know how to modify the color of the red damage numbers. I'm delighted I found an explanation with a diagram here.
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