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No Data Received

As of yesterday my ACT stopped working and I started receiving notifications stating "Failure: Deucalion injection is selected, but no data received.
Please review the logfile for possible erorr messages."

When looking in the log file the only error I could find was "TCPNetworkMonitor Error in ProcessDataLoop inner code: Machina.Sockets.PcapException: Unable to get WinPcap device list."

Any ideas on what I can do to resolve this issue?



  • Restart the computer.

    PS.  Shutting down and starting up is not the same as restarting.  (read about hybrid-shutdown in Windows)
  • EQAditu said:
    Restart the computer.

    PS.  Shutting down and starting up is not the same as restarting.  (read about hybrid-shutdown in Windows)
    Unfortunately, I have tried doing a shut down and a full re-install. I am still get all the same errors. 
  • No shutting down.  RESTART.  Shutting down does not clear out the kernel memory in Windows.  Windows hibernates it to disk and when starting back up, any issues that arise from kernel space persist.  Reinstalling ACT will do nothing about that either.

    As a side note, Deucalion does not log in the normal places.  I've heard it goes to %APPDATA%\deucalion\

  • EQAditu said:
    No shutting down.  RESTART.  Shutting down does not clear out the kernel memory in Windows.  Windows hibernates it to disk and when starting back up, any issues that arise from kernel space persist.  Reinstalling ACT will do nothing about that either.

    As a side note, Deucalion does not log in the normal places.  I've heard it goes to %APPDATA%\deucalion\

    Restart worked! I appreciate your time and help with this matter. 
  • EQAditu said:
    No shutting down.  RESTART.  Shutting down does not clear out the kernel memory in Windows.  Windows hibernates it to disk and when starting back up, any issues that arise from kernel space persist.  Reinstalling ACT will do nothing about that either.

    As a side note, Deucalion does not log in the normal places.  I've heard it goes to %APPDATA%\deucalion\

    The restart worked the other day. However, I have this issue every time I boot up the game and sometime a restart does not fix the issue. Should I not be using Deucalion? 
  • Unless you have perfect internet with zero packetloss, Deucalion is pretty much required.  Drop even a single game packet among hundreds of thousands, and you will need to relog your character(or restart the game) to resume log creation from the plugin.
  • EQAditu said:
    Unless you have perfect internet with zero packetloss, Deucalion is pretty much required.  Drop even a single game packet among hundreds of thousands, and you will need to relog your character(or restart the game) to resume log creation from the plugin.
    251|2023-10-05T22:27:41.0013727-04:00|DeucalionInjector: Successfully injected Deucalion dll into process id 2880.|1b0b7b2fdbe62417
    251|2023-10-05T22:27:41.0013727-04:00|DeucalionClient: Exception while setting up connection with Deucalion named pipe.  Data will not be logged.  System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.    at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.Connect(Int32 timeout)    at Machina.FFXIV.Deucalion.DeucalionClient.Connect(Int32 processId)|51c904be119f6be0
    250|2023-10-05T22:27:41.0013727-04:00|Detected Process ID: 2880, Client Mode: FFXIV_64, IsAdmin: True, Game Version: 2023.09.28.0000.0000|219151b298c59493

    Only error I could find in the log is that timeout.
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