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ACT prevents computer from sutting

edited December 2023 in General ACT Discussion
ACT works fine, but when i restart or shutdown, act hangs for 60 seconds. Windows reports that it is preventing the computer from shutting down. Funny enough this was happening on my windows 10 install. Im currently on a fresh windows 11 install with very little installed otherwise. Im using FFXIV_ACT_Plugin and OverlayPlugin.
Thoughts on a resolution? 

Here is the tail of the log if that helps. 

***** 2023-12-13T13:16:45 - Checking for program updates
***** 2023-12-13T13:16:45 - Exiting InitACT: 2504.56
***** 2023-12-13T13:16:45 -
Application-Close 2023-12-13T13:16:54 WindowsShutDown
***** 2023-12-13T13:16:54 - Entering SaveNewSettings
***** 2023-12-13T13:17:55 - Deinit and foreground threads did not terminate within the time limit. (60s)


  • If you add -debug to the commandline starting ACT, the log will contain some more information about the deinit process.  One of your plugins is not terminating properly.  While this may point out which is the issue, I can't offer much advice on how to solve it.  This isn't much of a known issue, nor can I force plugins to behave.  They're killed after 60 seconds as a last resort.
  • Thanks, ill go to OverlayPlugin and see what I can find. 

    Here is the log with -debug
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:44 - Entering SaveNewSettings
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:44 - Calling deinit for plugins...
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:44 - Calling deinit for OverlayPlugin.dll...
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:45 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 60
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:46 - CheckFiles: 0
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:46 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 59
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:47 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 58

    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:55 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 50
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:56 - CheckFiles: 1
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:15:56 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 49


    ***** 2023-12-13T14:16:05 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 40
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:16:06 - CheckFiles: 1
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:16:06 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 39


    ***** 2023-12-13T14:16:35 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 10
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:16:36 - CheckFiles: 0
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:16:36 - Waiting for deinit and foreground threads to terminate. 9
    ***** 2023-12-13T14:16:45 - Deinit and foreground threads did not terminate within the time limit. (60s)
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