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ACT Champions Online Plugin error

Any idea what could be causing this error?


  • Well, that's what the error log file is for. But I don't think I've ever heard of that game before, so I might not be able to help much.
  • Same principle as Star Trek Online, same developers. It used to work in the past, no problem, and now it shows me this. Combat log is opened and working, app on newest version, idk what else to do tbh, might reinstall the app and see what happens.
  • You're ignoring my hint to look at ACT's error log. Click the button on that prompt. The error log will contain those 147 errors, etc.

    The STO plugin is another one of those things that I only found out about by accident. I've never collaborated with them, nor looked at their code.
  • Looked in the log, the only thing i could find was this

    System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Advanced_Combat_Tracker.Dnum..ctor(Int32)'.
  • Back in 2016, ACT moved to 64bit integers for damage numbers. That plugin was compiled before that time and would need to be recompiled to switch over to that numbering system. Likely no real code changes are necessary, but it's possible some manual casts or variable type changes could be necessary in the plugin.

    It sounds like these plugins were abandoned a very long time ago. If source code is not available to fix, someone may need to decompile them before they can fix this issue.
  • Will give it a shot.
    The question is, why it happened to me only? Any other ACT user from that game runs the program without an issue, and none encountered this error before.
  • I've heard that some people use 7+ year old versions of ACT that don't have the 64bit change and are too old to use HTTPS properly, so they can't update ACT either.
  • This ain't the case, the people i've talked with were using the latest version.
  • Latest version as in it says there are no updates... or latest version as in ACT can't even connect to the website to say there is a new version.  I expect it is the latter.  Auto-updates will be silent and manual updates will throw an error.

    You can see someone here using an old ACT version because the STO plugin will not work on new versions:

  • edited December 2023
    You can see here that according to the WayBackMachine, 2015 was the last time that ACT's APIs supported Dnum..ctor(Int32).  This is the thing that is listed in your error log quote.

    The next entry in 2016 only lists the Int64 version.

    These are the patch notes for ACT that talk about possibly breaking parsing plugins that are not updated:

  • Ye, that was the problem, the plugin was outdated as you stated. Managed to find a 64bit version of it. Thank you for the info so far, much appreciated :)
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