Reset ACT when i get out of combat
I'm new using ACT, I'm trying to make it so that when I leave combat, the ACT reset the meter. (I want to do this automatically, with not extra macros)
However, in some dungeons/raids, there are some encounters where you stop dps for a few secs, and I don't want the meter to reset at that point.
I managed to find this configuration and works fine. However, IT NEVER RESETS when I get out of combat.

I looked around and I found a Plugin called LMETER that says "Force ACT to end encounter after combat" But it doesn't seem to be working..

Any advice on how to fix my issue?
Thank you!
Keep the post open in case people have the same issue.
"Plugin" -> "OverlayPlugin.dll" -> "Event Settings" -> "End ACT encounter after wipe" & "End ACT encounter out of combat"