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EverQuest 2: Issue with sharing in game text


I've been creating triggers to call out a player name and the TTS has ${Player} and it works for me. But when I copy/paste the trigger in game (/tell or /raid) it copies as NULL instead of the ${Player}, is there anything I need to do differently? I just returned to the game after a 2 year break and this worked fine prior to my break.



  • I'm not having any trouble with the part that ACT has control over.
    (?<Player>.+?) has placed the rally banner in (?<Location>.+)\.
    Flag is in ${Location}
    <Trigger R="(?&lt;Player&gt;.+?) has placed the rally banner in (?&lt;Location&gt;.+)\." SD="Flag is in ${Location}" ST="3" CR="F" C=" General" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />
    If EQ2 is doing more parsing of text chat and is spitting out the string "NULL" in game chat, then I could try some things to escape more special characters, but I don't know if that is what is happening without more information.

  • This is an example of the trigger I created last night and it works fine. However, when I paste it into chat in EQ2 is shows up as:

    "<Trigger R="&#92;&#92;&#35;0000FF(?&lt;Player&gt;.+?) begins to purge a blinding light." SD="NULL get out!" ST="3" CR="T" C="Sodden Archipelago: Thawed Marshes [Raid]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />"

    The ${Player} gets converted to NULL as you can see here. The trigger works but instead of saying the name it's "NULL get out!" I'm not sure why ${Player} is getting changed to NULL and how to fix that for future copy/pastes. If the person who receives the paste changes NULL in the TTS box to ${Player} then it works but half the people that use ACT have difficulty making these kinds of changes and I would prefer it to work on the initial copy (or I have to paste to Discord and walk half the people through importing the snippet from the clipboard which is just as troublesome and time consuming.) However, copying the snippet from clipboard works fine, just not using the copy/paste in EQ2.

    Hopefully this is enough information and not too confusing but by all means please let me know and I can provide more examples.


  • Any thoughts on this?
  • edited January 19
    ACT changes \\# into &#92;&#92;&#35; because EQ2 will change \\#0000FF into a blue color tag... which is what you want to match in the log file but not what you want others to see because the game client will omit it in chat.

    My best guess is that the game client now parses ${Player} into NULL via some similar reason, though I can't guess what.  But it's again some sort of real-time input parsing that does not work when the player does it.. but maybe it works when the game code does it via an NPC.  Similar to how %t evaluates to the target's name except %t is not real-time and players are allowed to use it.

    Following that logic, you could use a non-capturing group and replace ${Player} with $1.  There's no way the game developers are dumb enough to parse a dollar amount and break chat for everyone...
  • Thanks! I’ll try that and post the results.
     But never underestimate what the devs will do, lol!
  • Okay, so that works, thanks! Just avoid the squiggly lines.
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