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Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Plugin

Hello All:

I just recently started playing Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, a "new" MMO that just went into Open Access last month. It's a callback and love letter to old-school EverQuest. I was wondering if anyone is perhaps working on a plug in for Pantheon?


  • Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?
  • The challenge is that there's no combat log written to disk. You would need a packet sniffer or some other way to capture the combat log events to write them to disk for ACT to read.
    Someone in the community has built a rudimentary parser using Wireshark to packet sniff. Poke around on the official discord and you can find someone to give you more information, probably.  It's not as fully featured as ACT, but it does give you some DPS statistics for you and your group.
    At some point I wouldn't be surprised for the client - server communication to be encrypted, which would break this existing parser.  Hopefully they add text combat logging and someone can build out an ACT plugin.

  • Gotcha. Thank you for responding. 

    I've heard of the Wireshark parser, but have heard there are some issues with it. 

    Hopefully, they'll allow parsing as they did with EverQuest and EverQuest2. 
  • edited January 30
    Just for some random clarifications...  while Wireshark could technically be seen as a parser... it parses pcap output and has nothing to do with gaming.  Pcap captures anything your network card sees and Wireshark turns pcap off & on and displays the output in a way humans can understand.

    One of the "parsing modes" for the FFXIV plugin is to use pcap to read all network traffic the game is responsible for.  It then generates a text log for ACT to read.  ACT reads the log, passes it back to the FFXIV plugin and the rest is normal.

    If someone is using Wireshark to manipulate pcap and then parsing that output, they could probably output it to a file like the FFXIV plugin does and use ACT's features like any other supported game does.

    As a side note, the author of the FFXIV plugin has made available that network capture pipeline for pcap and direct socket capture for anyone to use.  --

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