So i recently downloaded ACT and install everything and allowed permission thru my firewall. But when i change my parse mode from network to WinPCap network i get the follow error in parser messages
ERROR: at Machina.RawPCap.pcap_findalldevs(IntPtr& alldevsp, StringBuilder errbuff)
ERROR: at Machina.RawPCap.GetAllDevices()
ERROR: --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
ERROR: at Machina.RawPCap.GetAllDevices()
ERROR: at Machina.RawPCap.Create(UInt32 localAddress, UInt32 remoteAddress)
ERROR: at Machina.TCPNetworkMonitor.UpdateSockets()
ERROR: Invalid Line type at Machina.TCPNetworkMonitor.Run(Object state)|104ee0d47789f4c01badbb98ab29e34f
can anyone enlighten me about what i need to do to fix this?