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Synergy plugin update

Version 1.1 adds optional (on by default) spell timers for when group members /gsay the trigger phrase.

When enabled, each group member will start a timer with their macro. With the Spell Timer window open ([Show Timers] button in the ACT upper right corner), users can see each group member's cool down time. If everyone is watching the timers window, it should be easy to get the group cast time realigned in cases where someone missed their cast or casted when other members were unable to cast. When all the timers are gone, everyone's spell is ready for recast.

The spell timers can also be used to enhance or replace the audio alert. (The audio alert is disabled by clearing the "Text-to-speech for cast alert" box.)


  • Ever since Visions of Vetrovia launched, my Synergy plugin stopped announcing when it is successful, or when it hits.  I still get alerted to cast it when others do, but I am no longer notified when it lands. 

    I like the plugin rather than just a text alert for this very reason.  Any idea what may have changed, or if the plugin can be modified to work with Vetrovia?

  • Daybreak broke the synergy notifications. Their first pass at a fix this week is still broken. If they get it fixed, the plugin will work again. If they end up changing the syntax when they fix it, I'll do an update.
  • For some reason, there is a whole bunch of bell dinging happening when I use this plugin. How can I disable that sound? I don't know what it represents, but it's maddening.
  • Sigrdrifa said:
    For some reason, there is a whole bunch of bell dinging happening when I use this plugin. How can I disable that sound? I don't know what it represents, but it's maddening.
    The plugin does not directly ding the bell. Maybe you have some "Beep" set on the Sound Settings ACT option tab? The plugin generates text-to-speech. I don't know if there is a way somewhere in the system that those could be turned into beeps.

    Ooooh, maybe if you have any of the "Timer started/warning/expiration" options set to "Beep" on the ACT options Sound Settings page, and you have Synergy "Start Spell Timers" option checked, you would hear beeps.  Uncheck in either spot to see if that's it.
  • Mineeme said:
    Ooooh, maybe if you have any of the "Timer started/warning/expiration" options set to "Beep" on the ACT options Sound Settings page, and you have Synergy "Start Spell Timers" option checked, you would hear beeps.  Uncheck in either spot to see if that's it.
    Hmm. I unchecked it, and I'll test it out today! Thanks for the response. I'll report back after I've been in a group.

  • The Version 2.0 release provides a work around for the missing log file synergy messages.
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