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Text overlay instead of Voice ouput?

Is there a way to present the output from ACT to a small text window, or flash an alert up, instead of having an audio trigger (so effectively using a visual cue instead of an audio)?
For people who are hard of hearing, or unable to hear at all, this would be a absolute boon; the narrative text can still be missed if someone has to follow text reading while reading cues without a 'flash' prompt that attracts attention.


  • I toyed with the idea a while back, but I guess I didn't finish it at the time.

  • Looks ideal.   If it's functional enough to work with, I'll give it a try. :)
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with it.  Just know that it doesn't handle system beeps, as it doesn't actually play them...  Windows does.  But you can configure Windows to flash the titlebar of applications that beep... but I don't know if that'll work if the normal ACT window is hidden.
  • Alas, not working, but from the setup of the windows, that'd be absolutely fantastic for opening up ACT to hard of hearing.
    Really need to come up to scratch in VCC+ and get stuck in. :)  GUIs were never my strong spot. :)

  • Could you explain what isn't working?
  • Nothing displayed in the window (I was expecting the text of the trigger to play onto the window).  May have misconfigured it somehow..
    With servers down, it'll be tomorrow until I can take some snaps of it.
  • Well, the plugin can only show what is passed to ACT to perform.  Plugins like Cactbot will play sounds through a CEF browser process, but optionally play TTS through ACT.  Hojoring may or may not use ACT to play sounds and if you use Yukkuri, the TTS runs through that and never to ACT.  Triggernometry can be configured to use ACT's sound engine, but by default I do not believe it does.

    As I mention in the plugin thread, the Visual Sound Engine plugin should be loaded last and if other plugins modify the sound engine, VSE needs to be restarted to replace what the other plugins did.

    The most basic test is to go into the Custom Triggers tab, select TTS, type something out, then press the ▶ button.
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